Sugar Hill Records

Written by on 11. 6. 2020

Well know hip hop record label Sugar Hill Records was founded in 1979 by Sylvia Robinson and their husband Joe and Milton Malden, who was an original member of Sugar Hill Gang known by its great hit and first release on Suhar Hill Records label> Rapper’s Delight

Who and which gangs were released on Sugar Hill label?

The success was major with additional hits released on the label for i.e. by The Positive Force to name additional one. Syliva produced there first rap video called The White Lines, performed by Grandmaster Melle Mel and The Furious Five) The one you can enjoy here on the site.

Unfortunately in 1986 the record labels was closed and the rights to all hymns and masters produced here were sold to Rhino Records (1995). All master tapes of working were destroyed in the fire.

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