Filip Zangi & PURPUR

Written by on 18. 1. 2019

The new czech funky formation PUR PUR under direction of czech drummer Filip Zangi has its goal set clearly: bring back the funk to the czech musical scene.
And they does its best. Groovy themes, funky riffs and drops packed to joyful pop-like envelope with the aim to entertain! This is all what you can find in their music. Group is recently active with some parody music (this one called Youtuberka) and also made some remakes of older music (for i.e. Abraxas – Obyčejnej svět).  The group forms two singers Michaela Tomešová, Vlaďka Skalová and Annamaria d’Almeida. The melodic core consists of Imran Musa Zangi on percussion, funky guitarist Ladislav Štefek, bass playing Marek Pach and on drums Filip Zangi. Two dancers of Fantasy Dance Studio Bee and Tom completes the band on the bigger stages.


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